How to Pick the Right Toys For Your Cat

How to Pick the Right Toys For Your Cat

How to Pick the Right Toys For Your Cat

There are many cat toys on the market, it can be tricky to figure out what toys are right for your cat. Cat toys play a big part in entertaining your cat, not only maintaining their well-being, and keeping them energetic.



Cat Toy Safety

Choosing a toy for your cat is like buying a toy for your children. As pet parents, we have to ensure the toys are hazard free for them, such as staying away from toys that they could choke on. 


Size of the Toy

Make sure you don’t buy toys bigger than your cat. If the toys are too big for your cat, they may see them as a rival and the playtime may turn into a battle.


Ideal Choice for Your Cat

There are many kinds of toys on market today. To make sure which toy your cat prefers, you can choose vary toys in different shapes and textures and let them find out which toys they think is most interesting. This process can take time but it will ensure your cat gets the most of our their toys once they have their favourites. 



Cats’ hearing is very sensitive, which is why it is crucial when it comes to picking toys for your cat. Make sure your cat is engaged with the sound and not cowering, running away or attacking the toy. A happy cat will be intrigued and try to make the sound happen again.

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