How to Organise your Kitchen – Pantry and Fridge

How to Organise your Kitchen – Pantry and Fridge

For some of us the kitchen is the heart of the house, for me I spend many hours cooking and organising the family’s lunches. I love cooking, doing meal prep and having easy weekday lunches for the family. But whether you cook every day or just use the kitchen occasionally, to have an organised kitchen makes everything simpler.


The kitchen is in three stages; preparation stage, pantry and fridge, bench and cupboards. For preparation you will need to work out what you would like to make your kitchen work better for you. This includes containers for the pantry, knife racks, lazy susans, paper towel/cling wrap organisers etc. Look at what you already have and buy what you need before you start. You will find you may need more later but this will give you a solid base to work with. If you going to use containers for staples like flour/rice etc ensure you have the labels to go with them. Have an idea on how you will use the shelving in the pantry. You may want to have shelving for; baking, meal prep, staples, breakfast food and bakery items. Have boxes ready for donation and rubbish as once you start you realise how much you may not need.

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Organising your pantry may feel overwhelming but it is so rewarding when it is set up the way you want it to look. You need to check all labels for expiry dates, throwing anything out that is past the expiration date. Be critical on what you want in your pantry and how much you want, donate any tinned cans or other sealed items that you know you won’t use. Alternatively you can set up these products in a prominent area and challenge yourself to use them in the next two weeks. 


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Remove everything from the pantry so that you can clean the shelving and have a blank space to work with. Write down how each shelf will be used. Using lazy susan turntables, drawers and other accessories allows you to use every space. If you are using containers empty contents into containers and ensure they are clearly labelled. Once your pantry is set up you will have an idea of how many ‘back ups’ you need of products to ensure you do not overbuy products but also obtain them when they are on sale.

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Lazy susan

You can choose to clean your fridge on the same day or do this another day. Like the pantry review remove all items and give the fridge a good clean. Throw out those items with part expiry dates and organize your shelving. One example of shelving is: lunch/meal prep, dairy/eggs/condiments, meat, fruit and veg. The use of containers is also a great way to container loose products and have easy access. Drinks can go into the door, or have their own space using containers, or split shelving accessories specific to cans and bottles.

Having a clean and organized pantry saves time, and stress and is very rewarding.


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